Projects – Hobbybotics Reflow Controller Quad V1.0

Here’s a quick update to the new reflow controller project I introduced earlier.  I have fully populated one of the prototype boards and began to write test sketches to ensure it functions properly.  The project is moving a little slower right now as I am in the process of closing on a new house and that has been taking up a lot of my time.

2013-03-06 02.44.49_1024x768 2013-03-06 02.44.40_1024x768 2013-03-06 02.44.15_1024x768

The last picture shows an early prototype for the LCD/Button interface for the controller.  I am in the process of redesigning the LCD/Button interface to use a 4-way rotary navigation switch with a center select button.  I borrowed this idea from the Viki LCD project over on Kick Starter.  I’ll post more updates in the coming weeks.

Projects – Hobbybotics Reflow Controller Quad V1.0

I’ve been working on a redesign of the original reflow controller.  Here are the features for the new board:

  1. Four MAX31855 Type-K Thermocouple interfaces
  2. DS3234 Real Time Clock with battery backup
  3. FT231x USB
  4. XBee or Bluetooth Wireless
  5. MCP23008 I/O Expanders for 2-wire expanded communication
  6. ULN2803 Darlington buffered output relay/SSR control
  7. Internal or external micro SD interface
  8. External LCD I2C interface/input
  9. ATMega 1284P TQFP AVR with Arduino bootloader
  10. 16 MHz Crystal

Take a look at the new board:

2013-02-19 01.32.48_1024x768

2013-02-19 01.36.35_1024x768


 I’ll post more on this project in the coming days.  I’ll be offering this project as a full kit for those who are interested.

General – Optiboot 4.4

Been a long time coming but, today I officially updated all of the Hobbyduino boards to Optiboot 4.4 (same bootloader that is on the Uno).  I’ll follow this post up shortly with a tutorial on how I did it.  For those that cannot wait, you can take a look at my introduction for the Hobbyduino Mini Bootloader ISP Shield.  The process to load Optiboot is pretty much the same as that for the Arduino Duemilanove w/ ATmega 328 bootloader except the board type is now ‘Arduino Uno’.

General – Arduino Optiboot Boot-loader

I’ll soon be updating the Hobbyduino Mini to the Optiboot boot-loader.  According to the Optiboot Google Code Page:

  • Allows larger sketches.
  • Is a quarter of the size of the default bootloader freeing 1.5k of extra space.
  • Sketches upload faster.
  • Optiboot operates at higher baud rates and has streamlined programming.
  • Adaboot performance improvements.
  • Runs sketches sooner with no watchdog issues.
  • Compatible with 168 and 328 Arduinos.

Project – Hobbyduino Mini Boot-loader ISP Shield

The Hobbyduino Mini allows for shields (or plugs as I call them) to be attached in somewhat the same way as the Arduino.  As such, I would like to present one of the first shields developed for the Hobbyduino Mini called the Hobbyduino Mini boot-loader ISP Plug.  This plug (or shield if you like) can be used to burn the Arduino boot-loader onto blank ATMega328 or ATMega168 chips.  In essence, this plug is a minimalist AVR ISP programmer.  Go here for the project.