Projects – Hobbybotics Reflow Controller Quad V1.0

I’ve been working on a redesign of the original reflow controller.  Here are the features for the new board:

  1. Four MAX31855 Type-K Thermocouple interfaces
  2. DS3234 Real Time Clock with battery backup
  3. FT231x USB
  4. XBee or Bluetooth Wireless
  5. MCP23008 I/O Expanders for 2-wire expanded communication
  6. ULN2803 Darlington buffered output relay/SSR control
  7. Internal or external micro SD interface
  8. External LCD I2C interface/input
  9. ATMega 1284P TQFP AVR with Arduino bootloader
  10. 16 MHz Crystal

Take a look at the new board:

2013-02-19 01.32.48_1024x768

2013-02-19 01.36.35_1024x768


 I’ll post more on this project in the coming days.  I’ll be offering this project as a full kit for those who are interested.

Gallery – Hobbyduino XBee Plug V1.0

I’m pretty sure the majority of my projects will never be considered “Complete” as I’m always tinkering with the firmware to add or refine features.  However, I like to give my projects a finished look which means they will be inside of enclosures or integrated into other devices.  It would be nice if I could update the firmware without having to dissect the project to get at the controller.  To accomplish this, I created a XBee plug for my Hobbyduino Mini V3 Arduino clone.  Check out the gallery here and the tutorial here.

Tutorial – Wireless Arduino Programming

This tutorial demonstrates uploading sketches to an Arduino over a wireless connection.  I designed a couple of XBee adapter boards for my Hobbyduino V3 (Arduino clone).  These adapters made it easy to properly configure each of the XBee Series 1 modems used in the tutorial.  Check out the tutorial for full details.